Tagged with " notte serena"
Feb 15, 2014 - POESIA    Commenti disabilitati su Notte serena

Notte serena

Avenue of stars

“Cala il sipario sulla notte serena

la luna brilla oltre le pieghe disfatte.

Cammino sospesa nel vuoto di te,

 diamanti nel blu illuminano sogni

dispersi oltre l’universo.”

“Avenue of stars ” by Prefab Sprout

Magia in note

Purezza in sillabe



Love is an avenue of stars I know because I’ve seen the  glow Lighting up faces, faces that have been Close enough to shine at what  they have seen

Love is an avenue of stars And if it is light years away One day I’ll get there, nursing tired feet Happy beyond words to be on that  street

Each step is hard, each step is slow Each step, unsure and  yet I know

Love is an avenue of stars And though I’m tired and I’m  lame My will is iron and one day, I will race Down that silver highway,  light on my face

Until then, until that day One single thought lights up the  way

Love is an avenue of stars Avenue of stars.