Tagged with " fragilità"
Lug 29, 2017 - musica    Commenti disabilitati su MANTOVA 28 LUGLIO 2017 – STING


If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the color of the evening sun
Tomorrow’s rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay
Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime’s argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are
On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star
Like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are
How fragile we are
On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star
Like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are
How fragile we are
How fragile we are
How fragile we are
Mar 25, 2017 - POESIA    Commenti disabilitati su Gemme


Tu piccola gemma
cresci spontanea sul ramo spoglio
le tue tenere foglie si aggrappano alla vita
così come io mi aggrappo alla mia.
Siamo fragili ma cresceremo forti e robuste.
Né la pioggia e né il vento ci piegheranno.
Dischiudiamo la vita al tiepido raggio del sole.

Tratto da :

“Stagioni “
